I work as a volunteer, contract staff, and occasionally, as a consultant for organizations to help them better their communications and storytelling. Here are some selected...
Print I have reported and written features, op-eds, and news articles for several publications as a freelance journalist. I approach my work as a print journalist with...
Films, what a concept. The more I learn about this form of storytelling, the more I am amazed at what is possible with it. One of...
I know a lot about a lot of things; but I also know a lot more about certain things. Sometimes, people ask me to come teach...
I started learning multimedia journalism earlier in 2023. In that span, I’ve done a lot of dummy projects and I’m getting my hands in the formal...
Editor My work as an editor revolves around the author. I think about how to fix ideological flaws, perfect the storytelling, and incorporate storytelling accessories like data...
I learned very early that photography is reductive storytelling – but is there any form of storytelling that isn’t reductive? Photography asks much more viscerally, the...
Advocacy & Development Strategist I was a volunteer way before I was a journalist or comms personnel. In 2018, I started with a advocacy project for the...