

 I learned very early that photography is reductive storytelling – but is there any form of storytelling that isn’t reductive? Photography asks much more viscerally, the question “where do we start this story?” A picture frame is an infinitesimally small part of the world, even of whatever circumstance that is happening to inspire that photograph. So, photojournalism to me is asking what is symbolic enough to be in the frame.

And I often answer that as a lot, too much. This, I think, comes with the pursuit of nuance. I have the urge to photograph everything and to make sure those photographs make it to print, even as they often don’t. Here are some of my favorite photo stories.


In this story, which is one of my most effortlessly familiar projects, I tried to capture the face of water; the things it meant, and the people it meant so much to.


  • Nature

    environment - landscape - waterfalls

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